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Keeping Our Families Healthy

This month’s focus: Children It is not easy keeping ourselves and our families in optimal health, particularly when a family member has as special needs like a dietary restriction, or a health impairment. These types of needs can add stress to family concerns and turn simplicity into complexity on a daily basis. Maintaining our health should be a natural way of living, to provide the health of our families with quality of living. Small steps done on a daily basis can go such a long way. I know mom’s can all feel overwhelmed at times, we take on so much and at the end of the day there is not much left to dedicate towards our well being. The key is “good planning” and “small steps.” Each day try to incorporate a NEW healthy habit, by ends week these healthy habits become a “life style.” The information is provided to be resourceful for all parents and to create a positive healthy impact.

REMEMBER: “The way you feel tomorrow depends on what you do today.” Healthy treats for school lunches – I recently read the label for Lunchables in the grocery store and thought to myself that this may be a form of child abuse. There are so many artificial ingredients that I would classify it as a non-food. Try making a mock version of your own “lunchable” with healthy ingredients. Ask for natural cold cuts which contain no hormones or pesticides and ask them to slice them into ½ inch think slices. Use a cookie-cutter, with a variety of shapes, to cut out the pieces. Use the same technique with natural cheeses. Add a cherry tomato and, “voila,” you’ve created a much healthier version. Also, a high grade quality protein bar is a good choice for a quick and easy snack. Fluoride, friend or foe? – The FDA forces toothpaste manufactures to print the following warning label on every tube of toothpaste that includes fluoride: “If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a poison-control center right away.” I have this unsettling feeling using something that may poison me, when using toothpaste, try a natural toothpaste like “Natural tea tree toothpaste” made by Desert Essence. Sugar and hyperactivity –Undoubtedly, sugar is the main culprit for hyperactivity and lowered immunity. It plays havoc on your pancreas and gives you highs and lows in your sugar levels. It is even worse in special needs children and can exacerbate behavioral issues. Try protein snacks (whey protein shake with berries) or (egg omelet wrap.) For a cookie treat “Aunt Gussies” makes a wheat free and gluten free cookie. Quinoa- This wheat alternative is a fine source of protein and calcium. It can be used as a substitute for wheat which can aggravate allergies and mood. Quinoa can be topped with your favorite sauce, sautéed or eaten cold. 

In Good Health,

Maria Dello


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